Letters To The Editor: April 4, 2024

Brewster Needs New Leaders
This is the second letter I’ve written about the Brewster Select Board’s March 25 meeting, when officials could have joined Orleans, Eastham, and Wellfleet leaders in advancing a "Home Rule Petition for a Pesticide Reduction Bylaw" for town meeting vote.
My first letter was an apology, on behalf of Brewster citizens, to the Nauset High School student who had planned to speak in favor of Cape-wide pesticide reduction for the Nauset Green Team, including students from Brewster.
Instead, as a non-resident, she was silenced by town officials, who should apologize and take civics lessons.
Brewster officials did allow a non-resident landscaper to advocate for pesticide use, and they recruited golf course and Whitecaps representatives, plus town employees and appointees, to express opposition to pesticide reduction. They also claimed to have not had enough time to review the proposed bylaw.
Last December, the bylaw was submitted to the select board for consideration, discussed by the water quality task force, and referred to the natural resources advisory commission (NRAC). Using a parliamentary move, Brewster officials helped prevent NRAC from considering the bylaw until March.
On March 14, NRAC members charged with protecting Brewster's environment reviewed, discussed, and voted to recommend the bylaw to the select board for placement on the warrant. NRAC’s recommendation was ignored on March 25.
Brewster citizens concerned about how decisions are made, the interests being represented, and the resultant impacts on community character, our environment, and taxes should vote for new leaders this spring, not current town officials.
Chris Powicki
Mourns Loss Of Library Tree
The lyrics to a song keep coming to mind: they paved over paradise to build a parking lot.
That is what happened in Chatham on March 27 when the chestnut tree was taken down to improve the sidewalk in front of the library. The justification was that we the disabled need a better sidewalk. Except we never use the library's main entrance because of the stairs. We use the level entrance on the side. Also if we are really impaired the library would deliver books.
The Friends of Chatham trees has been offered a part of the tree. They should refuse it; why would they want a part of a corpse?
Linda Devonshire
West Chatham
Eulogy For A Tree
She was just in the way. Bound by her roots to that spot for more than 100 years, unable to move. The things she has seen. The things she has survived. While trees around her were felled by nature’s strong winds, she was felled at our choice. She stood in the way.
Excuse the anthropomorphism. Perhaps there is no sense to “thinking” like a tree. Yet, consider the carbon stored in that massive trunk, 110-inches in circumference. Consider the carbon dioxide she took from the air around us and returned oxygen. How she cleaned the air we breathe. She shaded that corner of Main Street, keeping us 10 degrees cooler on hot summer days. Her roots cleaning stormwater as it flowed towards our aquifer. Will the birds that nested among her branches miss her too? Will the bees that enjoyed her blossoms miss her? Will we?
She was ours, growing on our town’s land. Yet we shared her with all manner of life. She is now gone. And we should appreciate all that she has given us. And say thank you.
Dee Dee Holt
Questions Financial Ability Of Officials
I read with great interest, dismay, confusion, and disappointment two articles in the March 28 edition of the Chronicle. The transfer station article (well written) reveals the original estimate of $4.9 million while the new cost to be $7.5 million. The adult day program (ADP), written by Judy Patterson in the You Guest It section (also well written and researched), indicates a projected annual cost per person using the ADP to be $1,560 with the Orleans facility versus $16,231 using the proposed Chatham facility. What is going on? Do the people we entrust with the responsibility to plan our municipal projects have the necessary experience to deliver a cost effective product? A good question.
Jack Zilliox
Urges Use Of Crosswalks
It was wonderful to see so many people enjoying the beautiful weather this past weekend. Main Street was bustling on Saturday with families, visitors, and pets out in our restaurants, galleries and shops. Plenty of folks were crisscrossing the street wherever they saw fit, however, and if it were not for my husband’s quick reaction and some boisterous yells from passersby we could have hit a young boy who darted out in front of our car trying to reach his parents who had obviously left him on the other side of the road. Thankfully we were crawling along at five miles an hour.
As long time residents we understand our requirement to stop at all crosswalks to allow any pedestrians to cross the street in front of us before we proceed on. We do so whether it is in the middle of a quiet winter day or on a Friday night in summer during a band concert. We want people to enjoy our town and try to accommodate them in these and many other small, respectful ways. There are crosswalks all up and down the area clearly marked. Please use them and inform your guests how they work both for drivers and pedestrians so we can enjoy a safe and busy summer season. The tragedy that was avoided left us a bit shaken up.
Nancy Hendel
Event Celebrates Early Childhood Teachers
On March 14 I had the pleasure of attending “A Teacher Celebration” hosted by Monomoy Community Services. In attendance were over 30 early childhood professionals from our community who were treated to a delicious dinner, an entertaining presentation and raffle prizes. All for free, and made possible with funding from MAP (Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership). Thank you to Theresa Malone and her amazing team for putting together an evening that celebrated teachers and the work we do ever day.
Gretchen K. Cauble
West Chatham
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