Bryan Rejoins Snow Library Board Of Trustees

by Ryan Bray
Voters file into the Orleans Senior Center to vote in Tuesday’s annual town election.  RYAN BRAY PHOTO Voters file into the Orleans Senior Center to vote in Tuesday’s annual town election. RYAN BRAY PHOTO

ORLEANS – Cheryl Bryan regained a seat on the Snow Library board of trustees in Tuesday’s annual town election.

Preliminary results show that Bryan earned 813 votes. Jamie Balliett and Mark Ziomek, who garnered 936 votes and 808 respectively, also won re-election to new three-year terms. A fourth candidate, Betsy Sorensen, garnered 735 votes.

While a challenger in Tuesday’s election, this marks the third term for Bryan, who previously served two consecutive terms as a trustee.

The library race was the only contested one on Tuesday’s ballot. Kevin Galligan claimed 1,210 votes in his uncontested bid for a third three-year term on the select board. On the board of health, Joe Hartung went unchallenged in his bid for re-election, while Asa Nadeau was uncontested in seeking his first full term on the board.

Katie Cole similarly was uncontested in her bid to join the Nauset Regional School Committee, as was Katherine Towry-McNamara, who was elected to the Orleans Elementary School committee.

There were no candidates for the lone five-year seat up for grabs on the Orleans Housing Authority. There were 71 write-in votes.

All six ballot questions passed easily Tuesday, including both Proposition 2½ overrides. Voters supported paying $9 million to fund improvements to the commercial bulkhead at Rock Harbor, 1,205-272. A request for $960,000 to fund the planning and design for the third phase of town sewering in the areas of Lonnie’s Pond, Arey’s Pond, Crystal Lake and Pilgrim Lake passed 1,140-317.

Voter turnout for Tuesday’s election was 26 percent of the 5,756 registered.

This article was updated to reflect that Mark Ziomek also won re-election to the Snow Library Board of Trustees.

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