Toast Of Harwich A Great Success

by William F. Galvin

HARWICH – The 21st annual Toast Of Harwich returned to springtime this year, drawing a crowd to the Wequassett Resort and Golf Club Saturday night.

“The feedback was sensational,” said Cyndi Williams, executive director of the chamber of commerce, which sponsored the fund-raising event. “Everyone is raving about the new flow of the event, the incredible diverse food items and beverage options. People are still commenting it was the best Toast ever.”

The Rip It Ups provided dance music and the cast of “Wonder Land” gave a sneak preview to next month’s production at Monbleau Hall, Williams said.

Select Board member Jeffrey Handler served as an entertaining live auctioneer, setting the bidding mood early by raising an apple in his hand as the first bid item. Bidding went back and forth, and when it hit $150 he announced that the apple was organic. That brought in another $50. Local real estate agent Sandra Tanco was the successful bidder at $200.

Handler, of course, took a bite out of the apple before relinquishing it.

“Who knew an apple would bring in so much money?” Williams said of Handler’s performance.

The setting was ideal for the event, with flowers blooming outside and inside. The spacious accommodations provided plenty of room to stroll about. The food and libations provided by local restaurants, Josh Cellars wines, Jefferson’s Bourbon, and several local brewers Hog Island Beer Co., Devil’s Purse Brewing Co., Cape Cod Beer and Naukabout Brewery, were plentiful